When: Sun Sept 22nd 2024
Where: #302 1331 15 Ave SW Calgary (The Condo)
Time: 4pm - 7pm
Why: Autumnal Equinox Potluck Dinner + Fire Cider Making
Who: Me and a handful of you, my fav girls.
What to Bring:
1. Potluck Dinner Item. Anything that makes you think of Fall and Harvest time. Here are my wish items: A dessert, a salad, some side dishes. I will be roasting a fish for dinner to go with all these delicious potluck items as well as making an Autumnal Elixir for us to sip on.
Items Confirmed:
Harvest Salad
Sourdough Bread
Roasted Fish
2. A Large Vessel to make fire cider and take it home. I use a large growler. A really large mason jar will do as well. Make sure your container is glass and has a lid. I am going to supply some of the items you will need to make this. If you are not sure why you need apple cider in your home for the winter give that a google.
3. An entire bottle of apple cider vinegar.
4. Bring some organic citrus. (1-2 oranges, blood oranges, lemons, limes or grapefruit)
5. Bring one head of garlic
6. Bring one of these Fresh Herbs (A bundle will do): Rosemary, Thyme, Oregano or Parsley